PM Fragrances – USA


Mixed goods

Company Description:

I was born a creative individual with a grand imagination and a love for the outdoors – mainly because I could satiate all of my senses – particularly my sense of smell. Raised around berry bushes, pine trees and a pond, I was always surrounded by nature’s perfume.
Although a Music educator, my love for perfumery and fragrance began to crave my attention for more pursuit. I found myself researching and reading about everything related to scent. This rekindled passion motivated me to want to speak with others about what I’d been reading, and as destiny would have it, in my conversations, I was met with the need my brand was to fulfill – creating a collection with people like myself (an artistic, yet conscious consumer) in the forefront of my mind. Little did I know I would end up expanding my collection to include products for mental clarity, due to losing my 3rd born son shortly after birth in 2018.
My brand has become much larger than myself and the people and businesses that I serve – it’s now also about my own healing from grief.
Welcome to my world of Pink MahogHany™️ Fragrances – where a good fragrance calls; an exceptional fragrance whispers. I hope my creations whisper all the way to the Spiritual Realm to my baby boy, Kenji Zachariah Mwamba.

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